Tamme Smith, MA, LSW, LCDC III
Tamme Smith, MA, LSW, LCDC III is a Forensic Counselor and certified Full-Service Facility Corrections Officer. She has been with the Lucas County Sheriff’s Office since 2007 but has been appointed to their Drug Abuse Response Team for the last 6 years as a D.A.R.T. Advocate. As a member of the D.A.R.T. unit, Smith facilitates drug awareness workshops, participants in community outreach, as well as writes and facilitates the implementation of grants. She also serves on numerous boards and committees to help provide a voice for those unable to speak due to a mental health challenge.
Smith has a Baccalaureate of Social Work and a Master’s of Arts in Community Counseling. She holds Ohio licensures as a Social Worker and Chemical Dependency Counselor III and a national certification as a Trainer of Trainers for Mental Health First Aid Responders.
Smith is a novice author with articles published in Police Chief, The Buckeye Sheriff Magazine, Exchange Today, and Toledo Streets. She is a cohost on a weekly Facebook Live Show where she and her partner work to educate the public on community issues. Smith has made numerous local, state and national presentations for many professional groups including the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, The Bureau of Justice, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. She has also become an instructor with the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program where she travels the state providing educational workshops to improve the relationships between the public and law enforcement.
Smith was a recipient of the 2020 Commendation Award by the Ohio Buckeye Sheriff’s Association, the 2019 Advocate of The Year by the Lucas County Mental Health Recovery Services Board and created the curriculum for the Community Advocates Outreach Project which was honored as the 2019 Most Promising Program by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. Smith describes the capstone of her life achievements as her family. She has two dogs, two kids, one husband and loves her newest appointment as, “Ya-Ya”, to her grandson.