Kristine McCoy, MD, MPH
Kristine I. McCoy , MD, MPH is Chair of the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Health Group’s Children and Family Health Institute and Executive Director of the VNA of Central Jersey Community Health Center, Inc—a four-site Federally-funded Health Center providing primary, dental, behavioral health and supportive inter-disciplinary care to the communities of the Jersey Shore from Keyport to Asbury Park. Services focus on meeting the majority of health care needs for those who have challenges obtaining adequate care from the private healthcare sector due to underinsurance, no insurance, disabilities, and socioeconomic hardships. Kristine also leads a diverse group of public health programs providing health education, screenings, in home services, transitional housing, schools, community gathering places, and community sites including the federal WIC Supplemental Nutrition program, HIV education and outreach, school-based health care, and public health nursing.
Kristine is a family physician with professional interests in addiction medicine, maternity care and behavioral health care. Other interests include office-based procedures. She has conducted research at Stanford University and with the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care focusing on health care preferences, the efficiency of broad-based primary care, and the integration of behavioral health and primary care.
Kristine established the first inter-professional training program in Hawaii bringing together faculty and students/resident physicians to provide comprehensive primary care including family medicine and family advanced practice nursing, ambulatory care pharmacy practice for chronic disease management, and health psychology.
Kristine’s educational interests also stem from her longtime volunteer experience with Youth for Understanding and International Exchange. She is also an alumna of three international exchange programs and host to both high school exchange students and college age au pairs.