Kathryn Hawk, MD
Dr. Kathryn Hawk is an Assistant Professor in the Yale Department of Emergency Medicine, the Yale School of Public Health and the Program in Addiction Medicine. She was a NIDA K12 sponsored Drug use, Addiction and HIV Research (DAHRS) Scholar, and is board certified in emergency and addiction medicine. She has been co-leading the steering committee for the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Emergency Quality (E-QUAL) Network Opioid Initiative since 2017. Her research primarily focuses on the design, testing and implementation of evidence based-care for ED patients with substance use disorders, with a focus on initiating buprenorphine treatment in the ED and maximizing effective linkage to ongoing treatment using innovative strategies. Her research on reducing opioid-associated mortality through data linkage, overdose prevention and harm reduction strategies, stigma and the dissemination of evidence-based care of patients with addiction has been funded by the NIDA Clinical Trials Network, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Foundation or Opioid REsonse (FORE) and the Emergency Medicine Foundation. She completed her residency training and research fellowship in the Yale University Department of Emergency Medicine.