Cortney Lovell
Cortney, a person in recovery, is a dynamic, out-spoken leader working across systems to empower others to discover the depths of their potential. She is an articulate and thoughtful speaker who is able to subtly instill new ideas in her audiences while motivating change on all levels. She believes in the limitless possibilities each person has when they are encouraged, equipped and supported to achieve their highest level of success.
Cortney is a spokesperson for the New York State Governor’s Combat Heroin Campaign, the Center for Disease Control’s Rx Awareness campaign, and is a “Youth Voice” on youth.gov. She has been featured on “Inside Addiction,” in the documentaries: “Everywhere but Safe,” “Reversing the Stigma,” and Refinery29’s upcoming opioid film. Cortney is a recurring contributor to HLN’s Michaela Pereira show, is a blogger for the Office of Women’s Health at the White House, often partners with the United States Surgeon General to present on opioids, and is a Planning Partner for SAMHSA’s Recovery Month.