Connie Priddy, MA, RN, MCCN
Connie Priddy, MA, RN, MCCN functioned for 25 years as a Flight Nurse for a hospital-based medical helicopter, before transitioning to a county-based EMS system. Currently, serving as Director of Quality Compliance at Cabell County EMS, and Program coordinator for the Huntington QRT. Graduated from Marshall University with a Nursing Degree, and a Master’s Degree in Sociology. Also, recognized as West Virginia EMS Instructor of the Year for 2018. Assisted in the development and implementation of the QRT (Quick Response Team) model in Huntington, WV. This model was developed utilizing a multi-disciplinary team as the first point of contact after an overdose event. This is a collaborative effort between EMS, Law Enforcement, Treatment Providers, and Faith-Based Leaders. Most recently serving on several advisory board's to develop the "First-Responder Diversion Program" on a national level. This includes developing standards and share data collection methods. Continues to promote first-responder involvement as a critical component in fighting the opioid crisis through information sharing. Active on many national committees, working closely with the BJA, TASC Center for Health and Justice, Addiction Policy Forum among others. Selected as a Presenter at the National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Nashville, April of 2020.