Christina Arredondo, MD
Dr. Arredondo, MD currently resides in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona where she is raising her family amongst an extensive family unit. She has travelled throughout the United States and beyond for both pleasure and education. After graduating from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota with a BA in Psychology she worked in mental health treatment and research in San Francisco, CA and at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.
Dr. Arredondo completed her medical school at University of Washington in Seattle and then Psychiatry Residency and Public Psychiatry Fellowship at Yale University. Since that time she has worked in both inpatient care, outpatient care, and emergency care and in both the private and public sector. Her interests lie in capacity building in public health, Native health, data management and surveillance, addiction services, integration of culture into a medical model of care, and helping bring about behavioral change. She is the past Medical Director at the Pascua Yaqui Tribe Health Services Division and currently the Medical Director of Behavioral Health at El Rio while continuing her work at the Pascua Yaqui Tribe MAT program. Alongside, she is on the Board of the Pima County Medical Society, teaches Medical students at the University of Arizona student run MIND Psychiatry clinic for uninsured patients, precepting for Psychiatry Residents and Addiction Fellows at the University of Arizona, and hopes to continue being a part of other community groups in Arizona working towards improvement of public health services and capacity building.