2020 agenda

All times are Pacific Standard Time.

For more details and slides see the full program. Day 1 | Day 2

Tuesday 12/8

9:00 am

Welcoming Remarks

9:30 am

Keynote Address: Moral Determinants of Health

10:00 am

Plenary Session: All Hands-on Deck!

10:50 am

Film rooms open and rotating video presentations

10:50 am

Concurrent Sessions

11:50 am

TED-style Talks

12:00 pm


12:40 pm

Plenary Session: The Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium

1:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

1:30 pm

Film rooms open with rotating video presentations

2:30 pm

Plenary Session: Huntington, West Virginia, A City of Solutions

3:00 pm

Closing Keynote Address: From Rescue to Recovery: Addressing Today’s Overdose Epidemic

3:30 pm

Virtual Networking Reception


Wednesday 12/9

9:00 am

Welcoming Remarks

9:05 am

Keynote Address: Leveraging ‘Systemness’ for Innovation

9:30 am

Plenary Session: State Attorneys General

10:00 am

Plenary Session: Engaging with Justice to Prevent Overdose and Death; Alternatives to Incarceration in the Federal Court System

10:50 am

Film rooms open and rotating video presentations

10:50 pm

Concurrent Sessions

12:00 pm


11:50 pm

TED-style Talks

12:40 pm

Plenary Session: Why Technology Matters

1:30 pm

Film rooms open and rotating video presentations

1:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

2:30 pm

Plenary Session: Setting standards for Community-Based Response to Drug Overdoses (CReDO)

3:15 pm

Closing Keynote



Get session descriptions, slides, and video from the virtual summit.

Day 1 | Day 2